As a longtime animal lover who has worked closely with shelters and rescues in Florida and Minnesota, I was shocked and appalled when I recently found out that Winona County has the most puppy mills in the state of Minnesota. I was also deeply disturbed to find out that Winona County does not do any oversight related to animal welfare at the numerous large-scale dog breeding facilities otherwise known as puppy mills. County officials have been adamant that animal welfare should be left up to the state. The fact that some of these facilities were in full operation before the permits were issued is also a major concern.
"If Winona County does not have the time or resources to follow up with animal welfare, then why are permits being granted in the first place?" |
"My family lives in the epicenter of the puppy mills in Winona county. We live south of Utica, where, along with St. Charles, most of these big breeders are located and operating. In 2016, other neighbors attended the County Board meeting when the board was debating where or not to grant permits for seven dog breeding operations. These kennels were already in full operation. These breeders did not bother to get the necessary permit beforehand, but that didn’t seem to matter to the county (or at least three of the five board members who voted for the permits).
"My family lives in the epicenter of the puppy mills in Winona county... We testified against these breeding facility’s because it impacts our home and quality of life. One breeder is about 1,000 yards west of my house, and we hear barking in the kennel." |